My name is Ruben Werner (yes my Surname is Werner) and I’d describe myself as a Jack-of-All-Trades type of geek. I like to dabble in many amazing geekdoms such as LOTR, DC, and Star Wars. Don’t even get me started on all the different types of gaming genres I like. Currently replaying Fallout 4 while waiting for Dynasty Warriors 9 to release.
But if there is one thing I’d say I specialize in would be anime and manga. My all time favourite would be One Piece as subtly hinted at in the picture. Probably the only reason I wake up in the morning to be honest. Gintama is a close second because there are few Anime that make me laugh as loud as that one.
But in the grand scheme of things I am but a humble person, simply enjoying everything that it means to be a geek and all that entails 🙂