Kirsten Howard

Jan 3, 2018

Geostorm is heading for a UK home release in February, and if you thought we wouldn't be all over it, you must be new here…

We’ve taken the time to shower praise on the most worthy of 2017’s cinematic outings. The biting social commentary of Get Out? Phenomenal! Roger Deakins’ visual masterstrokes in Blade Runner 2049? Magnificent! Kenneth Branagh’s spectacularly ludicrous Murder On The Orient Express Poirot tache? Er, bushy!

But what of our actual life blood? What of our very real human need to survive the hours between 11pm and 3am on a weekend? Well, when it came to the trashiest of sci-fi action, 2017 hid most of its glory at the bum-end. We got a belated sequel to the critically-savaged Skyline, called Beyond Skyline, which turned out to be a 90s-style alien invasion/martial arts/kaiju fever dream we didn’t ask for, or even know we needed…

…but first, there was Geostorm.

Ah, Geostorm. What to say that hasn’t already been said? Gerard Butler Vs. Angry Weather, a space station in trouble, a camel running from a tidal wave – Geostorm had it all, and more. Much more. About 12 sub-plots more for reasons best known to those writers and editors behind the scenes desperately trying to rescue it from straight-to-DVD territory.

As a fan of Geostorm – and we’re presuming you are if you clicked here to get the following extremely important info – you’ll be absolutely made up to learn that a copy can be yours as soon as 12th February on digitial, and 26th February on 3D Blu-ray, Blu-ray and DVD here in the UK.

Geostorm Blu-ray/DVD release date and special features

Here’s the extra content you can expect to find on the discs:

3 featurettes

Wreaking Havoc: Cutting edge visual effects, research and technology create the world of Geostorm.

Search for Answers: Inspired by his daughter’s question of “why can’t global warming be stopped?”, Director Dean Devlin retraces the creative journey that led to Geostorm.

An International Event: A global cast opens up about the secrets behind Geostorm.

Erm, that appears to be it. Boo, frankly.

You can pre-order your copy right here, if you fancy.

As always, we remind you that bonus features can vary by territory, format and retailer.