Marvel Entertainment announced a brand new project, called Marvel Rising, a while back. The animation franchise, launching this year, will feature some of Marvel Comics’ most exciting and diverse superheroes, including Ms. Marvel, Squirrel Girl, Quake, Spider-Gwen, Lockjaw, and America Chavez.
The first feature film in the franchise, entitled Marvel Rising: Secret Warriors, is still in production, but the animated series Initiation is much further along. So much further, in fact, that we now have a first trailer to enjoy.
Take a look below…
I know we’re grown-ups and it’s not particularly cool to get this amped up over a kids cartoon series, but just between you and us, we totally are and refuse to be ashamed. Squirrel Girl! Ms. Marvel! Doing stuff! On the telly! Yessss! We welcome this, especially now that the live-action New Warriors series is languishing in development hell.
Marvel Director of Content Sana Amanat had this to say about the ambitious new project:
“Marvel Rising: Initiation came out of a desire to be able to tell stories about characters that we think are the next great heroes of the Marvel Universe. I think it’s incredibly important that we tell young women and young girls that they have this incredible power within themselves, and that they have heroes out there who they can look up to, especially in these times.”
Quite agree.
Marvel Rising: Initiation will get underway on Disney XD on 13th August.