Shuntaro Furukawa, the president of Nintendo, has made it clear that the Nintendo Switch will be staying in its current guise – and at its current price point – for the foreseeable future. Creating a successor console or cutting the Switch’s price is not in the company’s current plans.
These revelations, which will come as welcome news to anyone that has recently bought a Nintendo Switch, came during a brief interview with The Sankei News. The article was translated by Nintendo Everything, and is now being shared widely around the web.
In the interview, Shuntaro Furukawa was asked about his goal to sell 20 million Nintendo Switch consoles in a financial year. His response includes the statement about the Switch’s future, which makes it clear that the hybrid handheld/home console isn’t going to be replaced or price-slashed any time soon:
“It is an extremely ambitious, but worthwhile achievement. So, we will maintain this goal. Nintendo Switch is our primary sales objective, and we are not considering a successor or a price cut at this time.”
There you have it, then: the Nintendo Switch is here to stay, and you won’t be finding it any bargain bins in the near future. This makes sense, of course, because a popular console like the Switch is something that Nintendo will want to profit from as much as it can. The Switch is still in its boom phase, it would seem, so moving onto something else isn’t yet necessary.
Furukawa went on to mention that Nintendo will also continue to produce content for mobile devices. It’s clear, in the quote below, that selling mobile games and garnering further purchases within those mobile games is part of Nintendo’s on-going development plans:
“Smartphone gaming for us is not a business where we sell our consumers a product once and that’s the majority of it. Our operational model is to continue to build a relationship with our consumers. It is very different from what we do with our dedicated gaming hardware, so we are in the midst of accumulating experiences in this field. We certainly want to release games across a wide variety of genres. We want this to continue to be one means of supporting our pillars of revenue.”
We’ll keep you updated on all things Nintendo as we hear more about the iconic company’s plans. We’ll certainly be interested to see what new titles they announce in the coming months and years, as the Nintendo Switch continues its ascendancy.