It looks as if the sequel to the Oscar-nominated Creed may be getting up and running next year. It’s been waiting on a few things. Firstly, there’s the screenplay that Sylvester Stallone has been penning. Then there’s Dolph Lundgren, back in training to reprise the role of Ivan Drago in the new movie.
And, of course, there are two key creations. Director Ryan Coogler and star Michael B Jordan have been busy making Black Panther, that’s set to arrive in cinemas early next year.
Once that’s done, though, the pair will be free to make a fresh addition to the Rocky boxset, and in his latest Instagram post, Sylvester Stallone has strongly suggested that we’ll be seeing Creed 2 in 2018.
Here’s the post in question…
The first film started shooting in the January before its November release. Black Panther press commitments may make that trickier this time around, but we’ll keep you posted…