Paul Bradshaw

Sep 28, 2018

"I couldn't even get through the last scene"

The first Toy Story made us cry when Woody and Buzz became best friends at the end. The second one made us cry during Jessie’s song. The third one… don’t even get us started.

According to Tim Allen, the upcoming Toy Story 4 is going to be another emotional ride, with some of the last scenes being “hard to get through”.  

Appearing on the American chat show, The Talk, Allen weirdly started off by comparing the film to Avengers: Infinity War

“If you’re at all a superhero fan, because I am, Infinity War didn’t seem like it was going to work but it was a lot of vignettes that all made sense…” 

Does this mean the structure of Toy Story 4 is going to follow each character separately? With so many individual stories to wrap-up, it’s possible that the last movie in the series will spend a fair amount of time saying goodbye to everyone, which sounds a little bit horrific. 

“I gotta resist getting emotional,” says Allen. “I don’t want to give it away, but this is an incredibly great story. It is so emotional, it’s so funny, it’s so big, the idea they’ve come up with, I’m startled. I couldn’t even get through the last scene. I would love to be a Washington leaker, but I just can’t do it. I can’t give any more away. They’ve got great characters but a couple of scenes toward the end were really hard to get through.” 

If you watch the clip below via ET Canada, the interview is played above an audience banner that reads “Is Toy Story 4 necessary?”, a pretty cruel reminder that most people were happy for the series to stop at Part 3. If we’re going to have to say prolonged goodbyes to Woody, Buzz, Jessie, Mr Potato Head, Mrs Potato Head, Slinky Dog, Rex, Hamm, Bo Peep, Barbie, Ken, the aliens, Sarge, the Weebles, that plastic telephone and everyone else, it already sounds like more than we can handle. 

Necessary? Definitely not. But it’s Toy Story, so of course we’ll all be there.