Game Freak, one of the world-renowned partners on the Pokémon gaming franchise, has been cooking up another treat for gamers: there’s a new version of Giga Wrecker, the developer’s incredibly creative action-adventure 2D puzzle title (that originally lived on Steam), heading to consoles later this year.
Going by the title Giga Wrecker Alt., this new version of the Metroidvania-inspired game will be released by Game Freak and Rising Star Games for download on Xbox One, PS4 and Nintendo Switch on an as-yet-unconfirmed date in 2019. There will also be a physical release, handled by Limited Run Games.
Giga Wrecker Alt. promises to be a significantly beefed up incarnation of the original game, complete with 20 additional puzzle stages in the campaign, a new companion character, and an uber-challenging ‘Ironman’ mode where five times the damage is dished out. There will also be an overhaul of the original localisation, which aims to enhance the user experience.
The visual style of the game looks as manic and entrancing as ever, as you can see below in the official trailer for Giga Wrecker Alt.‘s impending console release. The game also promises an entrancing audio experience, with composer Shinij Hosoe (Ridge Racer, Tekken) contributing to the music.
The game centres on the protagonist Reika, who uses her powerful ARCHE (Arms Creating and Handling Effect) abilities to construct weapons on the hoof and overcome increasingly difficult puzzles. This supercharged re-release seems to be a strong bid by Game Freak to reach a new audience for Giga Wrecker, and we’re certainly all for it.
We’ll bring you more Giga Wrecker Alt. news as it’s announced.